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Paradoxical Undressing Explained

Paradoxical undressing is a phenomenon that occurs in cases of severe hypothermia, where the person experiencing hypothermia begins to remove their clothing despite the dangerously low body temperature. This behavior may seem counterintuitive, but it is actually a natural response of the body when faced with extreme cold.

What Causes Paradoxical Undressing?

When the body is exposed to extremely cold temperatures, blood vessels constrict in an attempt to conserve heat and maintain core body temperature. This constriction can lead to a sensation of intense heat, causing the person to mistakenly believe they are overheating. As a result, they may begin to remove their clothing in an effort to cool down, even though this only accelerates heat loss and exacerbates the hypothermia.

Why Does Paradoxical Undressing Happen?

Paradoxical undressing is thought to be a result of the effects of hypothermia on the brain and nervous system. As body temperature drops, cognitive functions become impaired, leading to confusion, disorientation, and poor judgment. This confusion can cause the person to misinterpret their body’s signals and make irrational decisions, such as removing clothing in a misguided attempt to regulate body temperature.

Can Paradoxical Undressing be Prevented?

While it may be difficult to prevent paradoxical undressing in cases of severe hypothermia, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of hypothermia in the first place. Dressing in layers, staying dry, and avoiding prolonged exposure to cold temperatures can help to prevent hypothermia and reduce the likelihood of paradoxical undressing occurring.

What to Do if You Encounter Someone Experiencing Paradoxical Undressing

If you encounter someone experiencing paradoxical undressing, it is important to act quickly to prevent further heat loss and protect the person from the dangers of hypothermia. Move the person to a warm, sheltered location, remove any wet clothing, and cover them with blankets or clothing to help them retain body heat. Seek medical attention as soon as possible to ensure proper treatment and prevent complications.


Paradoxical undressing is a mysterious and potentially dangerous phenomenon that occurs in cases of severe hypothermia. By understanding the underlying causes and taking preventive measures, we can reduce the risk of hypothermia and protect ourselves and others from the dangers of paradoxical undressing. Remember to dress warmly, stay dry, and seek help if you or someone else is experiencing symptoms of hypothermia.

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